The Great Quest begins ….. 

    Through the teachings of the wondrous and most knowledgeable wizard, who to this day, goes by the name of Merlin of Avalon, I became what I am. He patiently helped to guide me through the many dangers of Albion, teaching me not only the ways of magic, but also the ways of the Warrior, Healer, and Knight. He taught me as to how and when to use my skills, for my main goal was as Merlin’s: to help others whenever, and wherever possible. 

              When one great day, Ah! What a great and most wondrous day that was, an idea came to me. A few of my most trusted friends, my fellow Knights and I were gathered in a circle, talking of a great deed we had recently done. We had come to the aid of a poor individual who had been under attack from powerful daemons and dragons that spat fire from their mouths. We killed the monsters and brought the man to the safety of the lands known as Albion. 

              The idea that had came to me was to create a Guild; a Guild that would be known by many, that would help all no matter of what their creed, or of who their allies -  a Guild that would unite all the lands of Britan. My friends and Knights who were with me that day all agreed that this was a noble and glorious idea. 

             We all had to decide on a name for this Guild that was to be. I suggested ‘Arthur and his Knights’ for the name, as that was what we were referred to by many. As these words left my mouth, a beautiful light appeared in the centre of us. Emerging from that light came my old mentor and teacher, Merlin.

             “Arthur,” he called to me, “you and your friends have indeed come a long way since I came across thee alone in the forests of Britain. You are, in your own right a glorious Lord and true Knight of the Realm.

             All life is eternal like the never ending circle, as you and your Knights are gathered here in this manner. Therefore, my Lord Arthur, may I be as bold as to make a suggestion to thee? I ask that you name your Guild ‘Knights of the Round Table’, and that you build such a table, where you and your Knights may gather together?”

             After some thought on this, we all agreed with Merlin’s suggestion, and henceforth, the Knights of the Round Table was born.

             Many a traveler that I later came across on my journeys through the lands of Britannia would stop and greet my Knights or myself. Travelers, I might add, that my Knights or I had never before met. I was informed of by many of these travelers that they had heard such wonderful tales of the Knights of the Round Table. 

             Often, people speak my name in idle conversation along with that of Merlin’s, and from what I am told by many, people even to this day still speak of Arthur and the 'Knights of the Round Table.'

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